11755 Exposition Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90064

Westside location picture

This page should contain all the information you need to come to play with us. Please read it thoroughly.

If after reading it you still have questions, feel free to call (626) 584-6377.

NOTE: The schedule posted is indeed correct. The club is not open on Sundays.

Members of the public are invited to come play.

We welcome everyone with a love for the sport - novice or tournament player.
Westside has 12 top quality tournament tables, a wooden floor and excellent lighting.
Rackets and balls are available for rent. You can also buy rackets and balls at our pro shop.

Our club head coach is former US Champion and US Olympian Wei Wang.

(Info on this site is current as of January 2025)

The Westside Table Tennis Center is a club dedicated primarily to the fun and development of table tennis. At Westside you can take the sport as seriously as you want:

You can come in with a group of friends or bring a date for an evening of pong. We have a friendly atmosphere and welcome players of all levels.
We enjoy a truly multicultural environment with visitors from all parts of the globe. You can also come alone. There is always someone to play with.
You can rent club paddles and balls, if you don't have your own. Where else in L.A. can you have this much fun for $15 for the whole night?

If you want to improve your skills, you can get organized coaching by Wei Wang.
The Westside TTC is among the few places in the US where you can get direct instruction from a US Champion and Olympian.

Coaching is also available from our Associate Coaches.

Tournament players can come for uninterrupted practice sessions. We do not have a challenge system.

We have a Pro Shop where you can get top quality tournament rackets. Note that rackets available in sporting goods stores are usually
of recreational quality, even their more expensive ones. So come consult us before you buy.

We sell table tennis ball machines, tables, rackets, rubber, balls and accessories.


You can come directly from work and change into your sports clothing in our dressing rooms.

HEAD COACH WEI WANG - US Champion, US Olympian, US Hall of Fame

One of the most acclaimed coaches in the US.

She spent the early part of her career as one of the top players of the Beijing Provincial Team. After immigrating, Wei became US Champion and was a member of the US Olympic Team. In Dec. 2002 she was inducted into the USATT Hall of Fame. She is famous for the series of technical articles she has been writing for the national publication USA Table Tennis Magazine. She is the author of the instruction DVD "Table Tennis 101", which was the first such program produced and is still considered the one by which all others are measured. She has been teaching for over 20 years and is known for her uncanny ability to relay technical information in a manner accessible to everyone, which makes quick, solid improvement possible.

Wei has been involved as a consultant in table tennis related movies and TV productions, such as "Forrest Gump", "Friends", "Balls Of Fury", "Rules Of Engagement" and many others.

We also feature Associate Coaches who are not only accomplished National Level players, but excellent instructors.

Come and enjoy this rare opportunity to learn from the best. Wei and our Associate Coaches teach all levels.


We have a weekly club tournament. Please arrive before 6.30 pm so you can
be included in the draw. We start playing at 7pm.
If you arrive late we cannot promise that we can still include you in the draw.



Floor Fee: $15 per person for the day (with cash or Zelle discount - $16 for all other forms of payment) .
Racket rental: $5 for a pair of rackets and 3 balls

Group Lessons: Floor Fee + $13

Private Lessons:
With Head Coach Wei Wang: Floor fee + $90/hour or $50/half hour.
With Associate Coach Satoko Hayashi: Floor Fee + $80/hour or $45/half hour.
With Junior Coach: Floor Fee + $70/hour or $40/half hour.

(Actual half hour/ one hour lesson length is 28/55 min respectively to allow the coaches some rest between lessons)

Instruction at your location (home or office):
Head Coach: $200/first hour, $120 each additional
Associate or Junior coach: $150/first hour, $100 each additional 

Appointments for all private lessons can be made through Head Coach Wei Wang - text 626 374-5400.
Cancellation policy: Students, who cancel within 48 hours of the scheduled lesson will be liable for payment if a substitute can not be found in time.


When it's busy, players normally are asked to take a break and let someone else use the table after 30 - 45min. If you want to reserve a private table just for your group
and keep that table exclusively for your group without having to take a break you can do that by making a reservation. To be assured to get a table, call before 3pm (626 584-6377).
A private table without reservation may be possible, but it depends on the circumstances when you walk in.

The fee for an exclusive private table reservation is $150 for 1.5 hours for up to 4 people.


for details

or call:
626 584-6377


PLEASE NOTE: The club is only open during the times listed below, i.e Tue., Fri. and Sat..
It is not open on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.

  OPEN PLAY: You can play with whomever you choose - bring a friend or ask someone at the club. There is always someone ready to play.
Stay on as long as you want, but if people are waiting we take turns at reasonable intervals.
Tuesdays: OPEN FROM 4PM TO ~ 10 PM
4 pm to 10


Fridays: OPEN FROM 4PM TO ~10 PM
4 pm to 10




Saturdays: OPEN FROM 4.15 pm to end of tournament (~10 PM)
4.15 pm to 5.15
 Group lessons cost $28 (Floor Fee of $15 + $13 lesson fee)


6 pm - 7 pm
starting at 7 pm

Tournament format: Division 1: 1800+, Division 2 <1800.
Round Robin of 3 or 4 players (you play all players in your group,
win or lose), best two advance to single elimination draw.

Please be there by 6.30 pm (or text me at 626 674-6037)
so I can include you in the draw. Please don't arrive after 7 pm.

Prize in each division requires 12 or more players.

starting at 4.15 pm
Open play will be available throughout the evening. After the start of the tournament, the number of tournament players determines how many tables are available for open play. Usually there are one or two open tables.






Occasionally - late at night - we cultivate an alternative version of the sport:
See here how LONG PONG is played.



We're inside the International Fencing Center, located at

11755 Exposition Blvd in West Los Angeles, CA 90064

(entrance on the west side of the building from the parking lot)

There's plenty of free parking in front and behind the building.
For Info, 626 584-6377

Directions: from the 10 Freeway west, take the "Bundy North" exit, which is right after the 405 interchange.
Drive north on Bundy, past Pico, to Olympic and turn right (East). Drive one long block to Granville (before ARCO station), and turn right (South).
Park on the lot to your left immediately after you turn onto Granville.

Caution: There is no direct access to this section of Exposition from Bundy. You must come all the way up to Olympic.

Here's the map:



The entrance is from the parking lot at the corner of Granville and Exposition, on the Granville side.